What is YouTube comment formatting? Well that’s what we are going to see in this detailed blog post.
Do you know you can format YouTube comments similar to Microsoft Word?
I bet most of the YouTubers don’t know how to format YouTube comments or probably they saw the formatted YouTube comments but never tried.
YouTube comment are still underestimated by YouTubers. Here are the 15 killer tips about YouTube comment section that every YouTuber should know.
Table of Contents
Types Of YouTube Comment Formatting
There are 3 types of YouTube comment formatting. They are
1) Bold
2) Italic
3) Strikethrough
There is a big room of improvements needed on the YouTube comment section such as inserting images, increase or decrease the font size, line spacing, etc., to make the comment section more interactive and intutitve to viewers and YouTubers.
Why Do You Need YouTube Comment Formatting?
Well if you want to emphasize a few text or keywords, you can use the YouTube comment formatting to make the text bold, italic or strikethrough.
Here are the few use cases
- Important keywords in the comment can be bold
- Call to action links can be italics
- Unwanted text in the comment can be strike out
YouTube comment formatting enhances the reader experience and increases the CTR of the links included in the comment. Moreover it helps to convey your message clearly.
Let’s see in detail how to format YouTube comments without further ado.
How To Make YouTube Comments Bold?
To make a word(s) bold put an asterisk * around it.
Let’s take a sample comment
I want to change a few words of my YouTube comment bold . How do I do that?
Let’s assume that you want to bold only the text “YouTube comment bold” alone in the above comment.
To make it bold, you need to put asterisk* around the words exactly as shown below
I want to change a few words of my *YouTube comment bold* . How do I do that?
Publish the comment and your comment appears like below

Note: You should not mix the asterisk with any other special characters. In the above example, you can find the text “YouTube comment bold.” ends with ‘.’ so I added a space between * and . to not mix the asterisk with dot. Otherwise it won’t work.
This limitation is applicable to all other YouTube comment formatting options.
Use the same approach if you want to make multiple sentences bold in a YouTube comment.
How To Make YouTube Comments Bold With TubeBuddy?
TubeBuddy is a one-stop plugin for complete YouTube channel management and must needed for YouTubers looking for more traffic and views.
Looking for a shortcut to format YouTube comments ?
Then go for TubeBuddy which has in-built FREE Microsoft word like feature to bold,italicize, strikethrough YouTube comments easily.

Just install TubeBuddy on your chrome/ Firefox browser and it shows up the YouTube comment formatting feature wherever you’re commenting either on YouTube studio or directly on the YouTube video.
Follow the below 3 simple steps to bold YouTube comment text
1)Enter your comment in the comment box
2)Select the text or word you want to make it bold
3)Click the B icon from the TubeBuddy format feature

As you see that it automatically adds the asterisk around the selected text.
You can also see the preview of how it looks after you publish the comment.
How To Make YouTube Comment Italic?
Italic is the second most popular YouTube comment formatting option.
To make the text italicize, put the text around underscore _.
Let’s take a sample comment
I want to change a few words of my YouTube comment italicized. How do I do that?
Let’s assume I want to italicize “YouTube comment italicized” in the above comment.Just put those text around underscore _ as shown below
I want to change a few words of my _YouTube comment italicized_ . How do I do that?
Here’s how it appeared after you published the comment.

How To Make YouTube Comments Italics with TubeBuddy?
Let’s see how to make text italics in YouTube comments just in time with the help of TubeBuddy.
Just follow the below 3 simple steps
- Enter your comment in the comment box
- Select the text or word you want to make it italicize
- Click on the I icon from the TubeBuddy format feature
That’s it. Check the preview and publish the comment.

How To Make YouTube Comments Strikethrough?
Strikethrough or Crossout is nothing but striking a text to indicate that something is not needed or deleted. YouTube comment formatting support strikethrough as well.
To strike the text put hyphens or dash – around the text as shown below
I want to change a few words of my -YouTube comment strikethrough- . How do I do that?
If you keenly look at the above comment, you can find that I enclosed the text YouTube comment strikethrough around hyphens –
When you publish the comment, it appear like below

How To Make YouTube Comments Strikthrough with TubeBuddy?
You can strikethrough text just in time with the help of TubeBuddy.
Just follow the below 3 simple steps
- Enter your comment in the comment box
- Select the text or word you want to make it italicize
- Click on the T from the TubeBuddy format feature
Here are a few tips on organizing YouTube comments.

How To Clear YouTube Comment Formatting?
Sometimes we change our mind to clear the format and go with a plain text. In this case, you need to manually remove the special characters that you added for formatting.
If you have the TubeBuddy installed, you can do it in a single click.
Select the text or entire comment that you want to clear format.
Click the last icon from the TubeBuddy format feature pane.

Bonus Tip: If you want to add Emoji in a YouTube comment, you can click the TubeBuddy emoji icon at the right corner to pick the emojis from the list.

To make YouTube comment Bold 👉 Enclose the text with * Asterisk
To make YouTube comment Italic 👉 Enclose the text with _ Underscore
To make YouTube comment Strikethrough 👉 Enclose the text with – Hyphens
Looking for a shortcut?
That’s it I hope you learned a lot about YouTube comment formatting. Why waiting? Go and post your first and beautiful formatted YouTube comments.
Please do let me know if you have any questions.
One Response
Thank you so much for a straightforward explanation! I made the mistake of going to a YT ‘explanation’ video, that explained ABSOLUTELY NOTHING before I found your post! The guy ‘narrating’ sounded like he had several large marbles in his mouth and was completely incoherant! Plus he was using a tiny screen that could not be viewed at all.
I should have guessed it was a pointless exercise when I realised his comments were turned off.
Why do ppl who cant present an upload do this?? Its so damn frustrating!
Again, thank you for being a competent and helpful poster!