YouTube SEO

Youtube Upload Default: The Definitive Guide

So what is Youtube upload default settings and how to make use of it on your channel? That’s what we are going to see in this blog post.

Table of Contents

What is Upload Default in YouTube?

YouTube Upload Default is a feature on YouTube that allows YouTubers to set the default upload settings for title, description, tags, monetization, category, comments, ratings, privacy, and more.


The same settings will get populated when YouTubers upload videos from the web browser. 


Be informed that YouTube upload default settings will not be applicable for videos uploaded from mobile. YouTubers can leverage the feature to save their valuable time and stop updating the default value every time.


Individual video settings will override the YouTube upload default in case of conflict.

How to Access YouTube Upload Default?

 Let’s see how to access YouTube Upload Default settings.


Step 1

Sign in to YouTube Studio. On the left side panel, click on the Settings tab.


Step 2

On the setting tab, click on the “Upload Default” tab to access YouTube upload default settings.

Step 3

 YouTube upload default settings will be opened as shown below and it contains 3 tabs.


Basic Info in YouTube Upload Default Settings

 On the Basic Info tab, you can update below information


2) Description

3) Visibility

4) Tags


I suggest not updating anything on the title box because each video is going to have a unique title, and we can’t leverage much out of it. So, just leave it empty.

Recommend Article : How to Write Compelling YouTube Video Title


 Writing a description is really a time-consuming job so definitely you need default upload settings for it.


If you follow some pattern or template for writing a YouTube description then updating this field is much easier for you. If not then you’ve to work on description template for your channel.


Let me give you sample description templates that mammoth YouTubers are using on their channel.

Just refer the above description template and write down your own video upload default description template by repurposing it.


For video summary and call to action give enough space and update the other stuff. The rest of the items like Popular playlist, subscription link, social media links, disclaimer, promotional items are not going to change mostly.


You can select either of the below three visibility options. 

1) Public

2) Private

3) Unlisted


But recently YouTube recommends listing the video as unlisted or private for 1 hour before hitting the publish button. So that YouTube can quickly skim through the video and metadata information and update the monetization status. 


One more good thing is YouTube takes some time to process high-quality videos especially 4K. When you hit the publish button as soon as you upload the video, viewers often see blurriness until YouTube completely processes your HD version of the video. 


So, set YouTube default upload visibility to Private.


 Tags are one of the important metadata information about the video next to video title and description. 


Recommend Article : How to Write the Best tags for YouTube Video?


In the YouTube upload default, you can add your channel name as a Tag. When you add a channel name in the tag, you likely see more of your videos on the viewer’s recommendation feed.


Also you can add niche specific tag in the default settings like cooking, digital marketing.

Advanced Settings in YouTube Upload Default

 Click on the advanced settings tab next to the Basic Info tab on the YouTube upload default pop up. 


Let’s explore the settings below


 There are two types of video licenses. They are


When you select “Standard YouTube license” you’re granting broadcasting rights to YouTube and it’s the default option.


When you select “Creative commons attribution license”, you’re granting rights to the entire YouTube community to use/edit your videos.


Just go with “Standard YouTube License” unless and until you don’t want others to repurpose your content. 


If you’re making videos that fall under a certain category you can go ahead and pick that category as your YouTube Upload default. Other than that Category plays a very minimal role in SEO.

Original Video Language, Sub titles and CC

In this section, select the original video language, caption certification should set to none unless your video content appeared on television in the US on or after September 30, 2012.


The last one in this section is community contributions if you turn it on then community members who speak other languages can contribute to your video subtitles and description. 


Here are the few upload default options for comments.


Allow all comments – YouTube publish all comments on your videos


Hold potentially inappropriate comments for review – YouTube identifies the pattern of inappropriate comments and lists those under review and it’s your call to publish or not.


Hold all comments for review – It moves all the comments to review section and you can either reject or accept the comments in the review tab


Disable comments – When you select this option, viewers see the message “Comments are turned off” in the comment section and they are not able to add comments to your videos.


Recommend Article : 15 Killer YouTube comments tips for SEO


The recommended option is to “Hole potentially inappropriate comments for review” if you really want to engage with your audiences and at the same time to battle against spammers.



User can view ratings for this video – If you select this checkbox, the public can see the likes and dislikes count of your videos. Otherwise, they can’t.

Monetization Settings in YouTube Upload Default

 In the monetization settings tab, you’ve the option to set the type of ads as default and the same setting will be applied when you upload videos. But you have the option to change the settings for individual video after upload.


When you are relying on the YouTube ads for channel Monetization, I highly recommend checking all options.

Once you’re done with your upload default settings on the YouTube dashboard, click on the Save button to save your changes.


So, next time when you upload a video on YouTube the default settings will be applied to your new video.

Multiple YouTube Upload Default for 2X Productivity

When you create video content for multiple niches, obviously download resources, recommendations, and promotional items will be completely different since its niche specific.


 Let’s say you create video content on vlog and cooking. So just having 1 upload default doesn’t help you much in this case. You need multiple YouTube upload default settings to improve your productivity.


 Unfortunately, YouTube doesn’t allow YouTubers to have more than one default upload settings but you can create any number of default settings with TubeBuddy.

 Let me show you how to have more than one YouTube upload default settings.

Install the plugin on your favorite browser and go to YouTube studio → Settings → Upload Defaults.

 How to install TubeBuddy on Chrome & FireFox (Step By Step)

You can find a “New” button at the bottom of the pop up as shown below

Click on the new button and enter the profile name(preferably your niche name) and you can find the same settings as YouTube upload default.

Enter all the default upload settings like Description, tags, etc, and save the profile.


All your profiles will be listed under the “Upload defaults”.


When you upload a video on YouTube, depending upon the niche you can select the respective upload default template from the drop down and that saves a ton of your valuable time.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I override the default upload settings for specific video after upload?

 Yes you can override the default upload settings after you uploaded your video to YouTube.

Can I change the YouTube Upload Default settings later?

 Yes you can just go to YouTube studio → Settings → Upload Defaults and make changes. Finally click the save button to save the changes. The same will be applied when you upload video for the next time.

If I make changes to Upload default does that affect my previous videos?

No, it won’t affect the previously uploaded videos.

Does this default setting work if I upload videos from my mobile?

No.YouTube default settings will work only on web browsers.


That’s it! I hope you understood the importance of YouTube upload default profiles and how to improve productivity with multiple upload default profiles.

If you don’t know what is TubeBuddy, it’s a game-changer for many YouTubers’ channel’s growth and it’s an exclusive tool for YouTube SEO. They have tons of features that include keyword research, suggestion tags, AB testing, bulk edit/update description, track keyword rankings, thumbnail overlay and much more. Install TubeBuddy and you’ll be amazed when you upload a video for the next time.

Let me know if you have any questions!


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