YouTube comment text formatting helps you to stand out from the crowd. You can use the formatting if you want to emphasize any sentences on your comment.
You can do format with special characters like *,_ and – but you need to remember the characters and formatting option associated with that.
Let me show you an easy peasy way of formatting as you format the word document. Just install TubeBuddy on your chrome browser.
Go to the comment section. Insert the plain text inside the YouTube comment box.
Here’s a detailed guide on YouTube comment formatting.
Below the comment box, you can see the special formatting option(circled). Select the text that you want to format and select the appropriate formatting option.
B- Mark the sentence as bold
I – Mark the sentence as italicize
T – Mark the sentence as Strike-Through
And the last one removes the formatting.
Also, you can see the comment preview right below the comment box.